The One Income Family | Budgeting for Stay at Home Moms, Frugal Living, Saving Money, Manage Money, Money Habits, Biblical Money Mindset
**TOP 2.5% FINANCE AND BUDGETING SUPPORT PODCAST** *** TOP 100 IN THE UNITED STATES *** Do you find it hard to save or get out of debt? Are you constantly searching for ways to save money and live on a budget? Do you have big dreams only to be stopped by not sticking to your budget? Are you ready for financial freedom? Then you, Mama, are in the right place! In this podcast you will learn what it looks like to budget on one income, how to partner with God in your finances, how to budget in a way that’s easy to stick to and how to cut costs and save money all so you can start building wealth. It is my mission to equip you with the tools that will help you achieve true abundance, where money isn’t a distraction, and you are able to create a Joy filled life regardless of the amount in your account. Where your focus is not on money, but on God and your family and you are living in Joy instead of Fear. Hey, I’m Molly. A stay at home mom of 2 beautiful baby girls, wife and Daughter of the Lord our God. I am a Podcaster and Budget Coach and I too have tried and failed many budgets. Sticking to them was next to impossible until I finally created a system that doesn’t rely on tracking, the nemesis of sticking to your budget. I have also learned what it means to be frugal instead of cheap, what it feels and looks like when you’ve created financial stability and are no longer living paycheck to paycheck. We’ve paid off loans, bought and renovated houses and are building wealth all on one income. So Mama, If you are ready to finally STOP living paycheck to paycheck… Create a Budget that you can EASILY implement and stick to, become frugal and cut costs like a champ and achieve those financial goals so that you too can live in financial peace creating a home filled with joy - this is the podcast for you! So go grab that stroller, plug in those headphones and let’s get to it! NEXT STEPS: . Book a Call - . Join the FREE Community - . Become an Insider - . Questions? Email me -
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Do you find it difficult to stick to your grocery budget? Are you overwhelmed everytime you go into the store and just give up halfway through shopping? Do your emotions soar every time you think about groceries?
Well you my friend are in luck! In today’s episode we are diving into the grocery budget. Now, depending on how you feel when you enter the store the budget can easily be pushed to the side!
And when you’re not tracking how much is currently in your cart your emotions get the best of you at check out after finding out how much you went over. It can be so embarrassing to put things back so you find yourself buying it all anyway.
That is why I put this episode together to help you see the top 4 reasons you struggle to stick to your grocery budget along with how to get you sticking to your grocery budget like a pro.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, I want to invite you to hop on a FREE 30 min Clarity Call with me. This is a call that will help you decide the direction you should take on your one income journey. I know you are trying to decide if you need more income or not and that is exactly what this call will do for you. So please head on over to and grab a FREE 30 min call so that you can continue down this path.
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Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
35. Seeking God First to Fight the Worries of Living on One Income
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
I know how overwhelming it can feel living on one income. The overarching worry of do we have “the money” to buy food or maybe have some fun?
The bible tells us that that our lives are more than food or clothes (Matthew 6:25), and I believe that includes the number in our bank account.
This week we are getting a little off of our regular course to talk about something God has just been laying on my heart and opening my eyes up to this past week. I didn’t even see what it was until I sat down to record this episode and He revealed to me some hardships that are about to take course. So being the all powerful amazing God that He is. He intervened before the stress and the anxiety that would normally come could take place.
He sent me a message to stop the worry from taking over and prepare my heart of the things that could possibly take place in the near future, and giving me a strategy to help keep my heart at peace during this time.
It’s this message that He wants me to share with you today. How to not only go through life in peace because yes this message can be used anywhere in your life, but specifically with our finances and how overwhelming and overtaking they can be on our hearts and minds.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, I want to invite you to hop on a FREE 30 min Clarity Call with me. This is a call that will help you decide the direction you should take on your one income journey. I know you are trying to decide if you need more income or not and that is exactly what this call will do for you. So please head on over to and grab a FREE 30 min call so that you can continue down this path.
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Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
34. Looking to Cut Costs? The Benefits of a Bi-Weekly Grocery System
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Are groceries getting the best of your budget? Do you find yourself googling ways to stick to the grocery budget? Are you ready to finally take control and make your money work for you?
Hey friend! I am so glad to see you here on another One Income Family episode. Today we are looking into a system of mine that helps me not only stick to the budget, but cut costs as well. You’re getting a two for one this episode, where I am going to be telling you the benefits of my bi-weekly grocery system so that you can take advantage and get your grocery budget working for you rather than against you!
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, I want to invite you to hop on a FREE 30 min Clarity Call with me. This is a call that will help you decide the direction you should take on your one income journey. I know you are trying to decide if you need more income or not and that is exactly what this call will do for you. So please head on over to and grab a FREE 30 min call so that you can continue down this path.
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Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Does tracking your finances sound like a bore? Do you feel like your time could be better spent elsewhere? But you want to stick to your budget like a pro. In today’s episode I am talking all about tracking your finances. I am going to tell you 4 reasons you should track your finances and help you to change your mindset around doing it. You feel like you don’t have the time for it and that it’s unnecessary, but I am going to open your eyes to why it is important, what it can do for you if you just try it and how it can transform your finances especially when you live on one income.
Are you finally ready to stick to that budget? Are you sick of slipping back into bad spending habits that keep you from doing the things that your family enjoys? Are you tired of googling your answers and just want some help that doesn’t require a lot of reading?
Well you my Friend are in luck! I am a Personal Finance and Budget Coach looking for 5 lovely mamas who are willing to work with me in the beginning stages of my program to help me tweak and refine it to hit all of your needs. And wait for it, the first 5 mamas to sign up for a call with me will get a free financial audit + a 30 min strategy call to help you create a plan to stick to that budget like a pro.
So go book your free Financial Audit and Strategy Call now before they are all gone.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, I want to invite you to hop on a FREE 30 min Clarity Call with me. This is a call that will help you decide the direction you should take on your one income journey. I know you are trying to decide if you need more income or not and that is exactly what this call will do for you. So please head on over to and grab a FREE 30 min call so that you can continue down this path.
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Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
32. Struggle With Budgeting On the Go? Try This Simple NO STRESS Budget
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
When it comes to your budget does it feel like when it’s out of sight it’s out of mind, making it impossible to follow out in the real world? Does your budget feel like a great idea in the moment, but when put to the test fails every time? We all know how difficult it can be to stick to the budget. Especially when you’re not looking at it. You go to make a purchase and last you checked you had enough money, but when you go take a look you find that you didn’t have the money for it and it stings! In today’s episode I’m going to introduce to you a simple budgeting system that you put in your wallet allowing you to be able to make purchases confidently and prevent the stress of overspending.
Xo Molly
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Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Are you looking for a simple solution to stick to your budget? Do you find overspending easy and stopping it hard? Well, then this is the episode for you. Today I laid out how putting your emotions back into your spending is the quickest and simplest way to make sure you stick to your budget. Now I know that you might be asking, how will my emotions keep me true to my budget? and I am going to keep that with the short answer of, your emotions control everything you do. Think on that! We stress eat, we spend money to not feel left behind and that’s just to name a few. And sadly, the world has found a way to make spending easy and emotionless, and that is what this episode breaks down for you so that you can start sticking to your budget today!
Xo Molly
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Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
30. Need More Money? 4 Unique Ways to Cut Costs
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Hey Friend!
Welcome to another One Income Family Podcast Episode. Do you dream of going on vacation, but never seem to be able to save up the money? Is your grocery budget so tight you can barely breath? Well my friend you are in luck! In today’s training we are going to look at 4 ways you can cut costs in the overall budget and keep more money in your bank account rather than on the expense tracker. These four things are simple enough, but I suggest only tackling one thing at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself. I myself am still in the process of embracing each one of these ideas and they have been an absolute game changer in the way I make financial decisions.
Xo Molly
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Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Hey Friend! Welcome back to another episode on the One INcome Family Podcast! I am so honored to have you here with me as we tackle the uncomfortable feeling of being broke that comes with living paycheck to paycheck on one income. I have for you today 2 lies that you have tied yourself to that gives you your definition of abundance, and today we are going to challenge these lies and find you your true definition of abundance so that you can find freedom and live abundantly on one income! So go grab that load of laundry and maybe even a pen and paper because today you might want to take some notes and let's get started!
Xo Molly
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Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Hey friend, welcome! I’m super excited to hang out with you today as we work on creating a money system that prevents those terrible and uncomfortable money fights between you and your husband. Today I have 3 reasons that these unfortunate fights break out and a solution for each as to how to prevent them before they happen! Are you excited? You know I am! So let’s not waste any time go get that laundry and let's dive in!
Xo Molly
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Tuesday May 23, 2023
27. Should I fix it, buy it or DIY it? The step by step plan to help you decide.
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Do you always throw things away when they break? Have you ever wondered if fixing the thing is a better option? Do you only look at your budget to see if you can afford to buy the thing new?
Well you are in luck my friend!
In today’s episode we are diving head first into making that decision. When something breaks we look at if it’s worth fixing. We look at the value of the product. We look at if we want to buy it, fix it ourselves, or have someone else fix it for us. And how we know which decision to make.
Listen in so that when the next situation arises you can confidently make your decision without a blink.
Xo Molly
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