The One Income Family | Budgeting for Stay at Home Moms, Frugal Living, Saving Money, Manage Money, Money Habits, Biblical Money Mindset
**TOP 2.5% FINANCE AND BUDGETING SUPPORT PODCAST** *** TOP 100 IN THE UNITED STATES *** Do you find it hard to save or get out of debt? Are you constantly searching for ways to save money and live on a budget? Do you have big dreams only to be stopped by not sticking to your budget? Are you ready for financial freedom? Then you, Mama, are in the right place! In this podcast you will learn what it looks like to budget on one income, how to partner with God in your finances, how to budget in a way that’s easy to stick to and how to cut costs and save money all so you can start building wealth. It is my mission to equip you with the tools that will help you achieve true abundance, where money isn’t a distraction, and you are able to create a Joy filled life regardless of the amount in your account. Where your focus is not on money, but on God and your family and you are living in Joy instead of Fear. Hey, I’m Molly. A stay at home mom of 2 beautiful baby girls, wife and Daughter of the Lord our God. I am a Podcaster and Budget Coach and I too have tried and failed many budgets. Sticking to them was next to impossible until I finally created a system that doesn’t rely on tracking, the nemesis of sticking to your budget. I have also learned what it means to be frugal instead of cheap, what it feels and looks like when you’ve created financial stability and are no longer living paycheck to paycheck. We’ve paid off loans, bought and renovated houses and are building wealth all on one income. So Mama, If you are ready to finally STOP living paycheck to paycheck… Create a Budget that you can EASILY implement and stick to, become frugal and cut costs like a champ and achieve those financial goals so that you too can live in financial peace creating a home filled with joy - this is the podcast for you! So go grab that stroller, plug in those headphones and let’s get to it! NEXT STEPS: . Book a Call - . Join the FREE Community - . Become an Insider - . Questions? Email me -
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
It’s Day 5 of the Christmas Budgeting Series and it saddens me to think that this is the last day of this amazing series. We started out looking into the past so that you can learn what you did and use that information to create a budget for Christmas. We talked about the true meaning of Christmas and creating your own personal family mission for the season so that you are able to enjoy the season rather than wear yourself out from all the craziness of the holiday. Yesterday we talked about 3 ways you can fund your Christmas budget, and today on the last episode of the series we are going to create your Christmas Spending Plan.
Earlier we created a budget allocating how much money goes into which holiday category, but today we are going to jump into each category so that you know what you plan on buying, where you plan on buying it, if you’re going to use a sale and so much more.
We get off budget when we only have a budget to follow. If you want to be able to stick to your budget, you have to have a spending plan so that you know what you’re looking for and you can easily get it. Think of it like meal planning. When you know what you’re going to eat, it’s so much easier to stay on budget compared to when you go in without a grocery list and end up buying everything that sounds good.
Xo Molly
P.S. Don’t miss out on the Christma Budgeting Sale that is only available from November 13 through Sunday November 19th. In this sale you get 20% off a Financial Strategy Session plus a Clarity Call that’s focused on setting up your Christmas budget based on what you learn in the Christmas Budgeting Series. Head on over and grab your SALE NOW. Let’s create your habits and systems together so that you can focus on your family over your finances.
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Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Welcome to Day 4 of the Christmas Budgeting Series! Can you believe it’s already day 4? We are over half way through this series that has been eye opening and has been helping you to create not just a financially successful Christmas, but also one that is focused more on the true meaning of Christmas.
This series is helping you to set intentions for how you want the month to look like. To help you create a stress free season that brings you and your family joy and cultivates an atmosphere of love and giving instead of what the world wants us to focus on, receiving.
If you have missed out on the last 3 days. Make sure you go back and listen so that you too can set up your Christmas to be financially stress free and go about the month of December the way you want it to be.
It’s officially Day 4 of the Christmas Budgeting Series, probably the day you have been looking forward to the most. The day we dive into all things income and how you are going to fund your Christmas Budget.
Xo Molly
P.S. Don’t miss out on the Christma Budgeting Sale that is only available from November 13 through Sunday November 19th. In this sale you get 20% off a Financial Strategy Session plus a Clarity Call that’s focused on setting up your Christmas budget based on what you learn in the Christmas Budgeting Series. Head on over and grab your SALE NOW. Let’s create your habits and systems together so that you can focus on your family over your finances.
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Welcome to Day 3 of the Christmas Budgeting Series on the One Income Family podcast! The past two days have been so great helping you to open your eyes to the amount you have spent in the past and then using that to set up this year's Christmas budget.
Today in the Christmas Budgeting Series we are going to get a little less practical and a little more emotional. I think it’s so important to remember the meaning of Christmas and to create an atmosphere in the home that’s slower and able to focus on the more meaningful traditions or soon to be traditions that you do as a family.
I want you to mull over todays episode and really think about what you want your Christmas to look like and use that goal or better said mission to tweak your budget, to tweak your schedule and your whole idea of Christmas so that you are focused on the meaning of christmas rather than the marketing of Christmas.
Xo Molly
P.S. Don’t miss out on the Christma Budgeting Sale that is only available from November 13 through Sunday November 19th. In this sale you get 20% off a Financial Strategy Session plus a Clarity Call that’s focused on setting up your Christmas budget based on what you learn in the Christmas Budgeting Series. Head on over and grab your SALE NOW. Let’s create your habits and systems together so that you can focus on your family over your finances.
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Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Welcome to Day 2 of the Christmas Budgeting Series. Today is all about the Budget. Yesterday we learned what the categories were, what amounts needed to go into those categories and now today we get to plug it all into one comprehensive sheet that allows you to make sound decisions when putting together your Christmas Spending Plan!
It’s the boundaries you need so that you can continue to feed your family during the month of December so that you don’t have to swipe your credit card and make next year difficult because you bought too much. It’s the protection to keep you in the lines of how much to spend on gifts and food and giving.
This episode is going to help you stay on track so that you are able to go through the holiday with less stress and more joy.
Xo Molly
P.S. Don’t miss out on the Christma Budgeting Sale that is only available from November 13 through Sunday November 19th. In this sale you get 20% off a Financial Strategy Session plus a Clarity Call that’s focused on setting up your Christmas budget based on what you learn in the Christmas Budgeting Series. Head on over and grab your SALE NOW. Let’s create your habits and systems together so that you can focus on your family over your finances.
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Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Welcome to Day 1 of the Christmas Budgeting Series on the One Income Family Podcast! Are you excited? I know I am!
Day one is all about auditing last year's Christmas spending. Now don’t freak out as auditing is simply a fancy term of looking over what you spent, totaling it up and deciding if you should continue what you are doing or not.
I mean tell it to me straight. How many Christmases have you ended up overspending, overcharging and later regretting it? Well this episode is going to shed some light on your Christmas spending habits so that you can make positive changes that will not only bring joy to your family, but ease the pressure on your pocket book.
Xo Molly
P.S. Don’t miss out on the Christma Budgeting Sale that is only available from November 13 through Sunday November 19th. In this sale you get 20% off a Financial Strategy Session plus a Clarity Call that’s focused on setting up your Christmas budget based on what you learn in the Christmas Budgeting Series. Head on over and grab your SALE NOW. Let’s create your habits and systems together so that you can focus on your family over your finances.
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Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
51. Stay on Budget in Less Time With These 4 Budgeting Systems.
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Hey Mama, I’m so glad to have you back with me on the One Income Family Podcast. I have more information on the Christmas Budgeting Series which I am super excited about! And today I am jumping into some systems that when plugged into your budgeting routine you don’t have to touch again unless there’s a big financial change obviously but essentially it takes the budgeting out of the budget.
Yes you heard me right. You can create a recurring budget that is simple and hands off. Which is so nice when you are in the nick of things. It helps you to save money by creating less touch points, helping you to essentially set and forget. This gives you back your time so you can start tracking your finances and learn the amount that truly needs to be in each category and you can focus more on learning how to be frugal. It’s a win-win in all areas!
So listen in so that you too can set in place these systems that will give you back your time, but most importantly give you back your peace of mind because sticking to your budget will become less of a chore.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, Do you want to stick to your budget, but have no idea where to start? Then I want to invite you to hop on a FREE Clarity Call with me. This is a call where we will identify the leaks in your budget and create a list so that you know which leak in the budget to tackle first. Head on over to and grab a FREE Clarity Call so you can Stick To Your Budget by First Learning Where to Start.
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Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Is money how you define success? Do you find yourself reaching for the biggest and most expensive things because you don’t want to look poor? Mama, life is so much more than money. The world today tells us that money is power and that money is what defines our success. But today I want to challenge those thoughts. Today I want you to think about the things that life brings you and you can look at to really learn what success you should be focusing on. What does success mean for us without money! I want to separate your feeling of worth, your quality of life from money. What even is money, but the means or tool of trading for something you need or want. People were bartering for things they needed long before money even came into practice the way it has today. This is why I want to take you through each of these three things so that you can start living a joyful life regardless of how much money you bring in.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, Do you want to stick to your budget, but have no idea where to start? Then I want to invite you to hop on a FREE Clarity Call with me. This is a call where we will identify the leaks in your budget and create a list so that you know which leak in the budget to tackle first. Head on over to and grab a FREE Clarity Call so you can Stick To Your Budget by First Learning Where to Start.
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Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Do you have a budget? Is your budget not working? How great would it be if you had a budget with systems that kept you on budget? Today we are diving into budgets but more importantly the different types of budgets and systems and how you can combine them to make the ultimate power budget. Every dollar will have a job which will reduce overspending due to that extra money just sitting in your account. You will also learn how to split up your income in a way that prevents you from spending too much on things that you only want and allows you to bring in the act of giving. Because when you give to those in need you grow in more ways than just financial wealth. So grab that pen and paper mama because you are about to create some crazy growth in your finances but more importantly in your heart.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, Do you want to stick to your budget, but have no idea where to start? Then I want to invite you to hop on a FREE Clarity Call with me. This is a call where we will identify the leaks in your budget and create a list so that you know which leak in the budget to tackle first. Head on over to and grab a FREE Clarity Call so you can Stick To Your Budget by First Learning Where to Start.
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Related Episodes: 40. My Number One Rule That Keeps You From Spending Money You Don’t Have!
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Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Are you searching for a way to stick to your budget so that you can stop the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle? I am so happy you decided to join me today as we are going to dive into the nitty gritty of living paycheck to paycheck. I know how stressful and depressing it can be living paycheck to paycheck and I want you to know that it doesn't have to be that way. That is why today we are going to be talking about 3 reasons you are probably living paycheck to paycheck and how you can nip it in the butt so that you can start living stress free, from your finances at least, and start living the joyful life you were meant to live.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, Do you want to stick to your budget, but have no idea where to start? Then I want to invite you to hop on a FREE Clarity Call with me. This is a call where we will identify the leaks in your budget and create a list so that you know which leak in the budget to tackle first. Head on over to and grab a FREE Clarity Call so you can Stick To Your Budget by First Learning Where to Start.
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Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
47. Struggling to Budget? How Financial Goals Can Improve Your Budget
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Do you find it difficult to stick to your budget? Are you looking for a way to make it easier? Then look no further. In this episode we are talking about how setting financial goals can improve your budget. You and I both know how difficult it can be to stick to a budget let alone create a budget. That is how the implementation of setting financial goals for your budget comes into play. It can improve your mindset, your motivation and so much more. So go grab that basket of laundry and let’s dive in.
Xo Molly
P.S. Hey Mama, Do you want to stick to your budget, but have no idea where to start? Then I want to invite you to hop on a FREE Clarity Call with me. This is a call where we will identify the leaks in your budget and create a list so that you know which leak in the budget to tackle first. Head on over to and grab a FREE Clarity Call so you can Stick To Your Budget by First Learning Where to Start.
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