The One Income Family | Budgeting for Stay at Home Moms, Frugal Living, Saving Money, Manage Money, Money Habits, Biblical Money Mindset
**TOP 2.5% FINANCE AND BUDGETING SUPPORT PODCAST** *** TOP 100 IN THE UNITED STATES *** Do you find it hard to save or get out of debt? Are you constantly searching for ways to save money and live on a budget? Do you have big dreams only to be stopped by not sticking to your budget? Are you ready for financial freedom? Then you, Mama, are in the right place! In this podcast you will learn what it looks like to budget on one income, how to partner with God in your finances, how to budget in a way that’s easy to stick to and how to cut costs and save money all so you can start building wealth. It is my mission to equip you with the tools that will help you achieve true abundance, where money isn’t a distraction, and you are able to create a Joy filled life regardless of the amount in your account. Where your focus is not on money, but on God and your family and you are living in Joy instead of Fear. Hey, I’m Molly. A stay at home mom of 2 beautiful baby girls, wife and Daughter of the Lord our God. I am a Podcaster and Budget Coach and I too have tried and failed many budgets. Sticking to them was next to impossible until I finally created a system that doesn’t rely on tracking, the nemesis of sticking to your budget. I have also learned what it means to be frugal instead of cheap, what it feels and looks like when you’ve created financial stability and are no longer living paycheck to paycheck. We’ve paid off loans, bought and renovated houses and are building wealth all on one income. So Mama, If you are ready to finally STOP living paycheck to paycheck… Create a Budget that you can EASILY implement and stick to, become frugal and cut costs like a champ and achieve those financial goals so that you too can live in financial peace creating a home filled with joy - this is the podcast for you! So go grab that stroller, plug in those headphones and let’s get to it! NEXT STEPS: . Book a Call - . Join the FREE Community - . Become an Insider - . Questions? Email me -

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
112. Do You Spend Too Much? 3 Ways to Budget Better and Prevent Overspending.
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Hey Friend,
Do you find it difficult to actually stick to your budget? You take the time to sit down and fill out a budget only to find yourself throwing said budget out the window because you’ve overspent and have no idea how to right the wrong. So what do you do, you go on with life as if that budget never existed and try to wing it the rest of the pay cycle hoping it doesn’t affect anything important.
You can now take a deep peaceful breath because I am going to share with you 3 ways you can budget better, preventing the” just wing it and pray it doesn’t affect anything important” budget.
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we head into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I am offering free Financial Audits to help you learn what it takes to fix your finances. Go to and book your call today.
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Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Hey Friend,
This episode is going to reveal to you what your true financial goals are. Most think of financial goals as saving money, going on vacation, paying off debt, buying big ticket items and creating emergency funds, but there is so much more to it and it’s the little hidden financial goals that you don’t know you have that make you feel restricted.
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I want to invite you to grab a Budget Audit and learn what is going on in your budget so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck and get back your wiggle room. Send an email to to book your call now.
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Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
110. 2024 Goal Review and How They Impacted My Finances.
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Hey Mama,
Welcome to the last episode of 2024 on the one income family podcast. This year has flown by and so much has happened and that is why I decided to do a 2024 goal review. It’s important to know where we’ve been, what we’ve achieved, what has changed and where we want to go this next year. Goal setting is so important in order to stick to your budget to have something that fuels you through, to have an end to what you are doing so that you don’t become burnt out or complacent in the life you are budgeting for. Which is why I wanted to walk you through last year's goals so that you can see the impact they made on my budget and financial journey.
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I want to invite you to grab a Budget Audit and learn what is going on in your budget so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck and get back your wiggle room. Send an email to to book your call now.
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Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
109. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Embracing a Joyful Heart This Christmas
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Merry Christmas!
Christmas can bring expectations and emotions that cause us to become a Grinch instead of a joyful presence. That is why this in episode I bring you 2 tips to help you embrace a joyful heart this Christmas.
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I want to invite you to grab a Budget Audit and learn what is going on in your budget so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck and get back your wiggle room. Send an email to to book your call now.
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Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Hey Mama,
I know what it’s like to get to the end of the Christmas season only to find out that you’ve already spent all of your Christmas budget. Which is so EASY to do! Especially if you’re like me and you want to make sure that everyone gets a gift and feels loved by you. Or you want your Children to be involved and so you let them buy Christmas gifts for everyone as well, meaning you're buying two gifts for everyone.
As we head into the last week before Christmas when we tend to start running low on Christmas funds, I wanted to keep your spirits up and bring you a few things you can do so that you can get those last minute items without having to reach for that credit card.
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I want to invite you to grab a Budget Audit and learn what is going on in your budget so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck and get back your wiggle room. Send an email to to book your call now.
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Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
107. Have a Small Christmas Budget? 3 Tips to Save Money This Christmas
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Hey Mama,
It’s that time of year and Christmas is just around the corner. If you’re anything like me, you dream of doing all the things, giving as much as you can and working to instill the spirit of Christmas into your Children while also teaching them about its true meaning, the birth of Christ.
But you have one dilemma, your budget for all things Christmas is Small. How are you supposed to get them the toys they are asking for, do all of the fun family activities or buy the pretty decorations? Have no fear because that is exactly what we are talking about today!
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I want to invite you to grab a Budget Audit and learn what is going on in your budget so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck and get back your wiggle room. Send an email to to book your call now.
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Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Hey Mama,
I know how difficult it can be to do the fun things on one income. You want to be that mom who creates fun Christmas traditions and memories with your children that they and you remember for a lifetime, but you fear that they will cost too much for you to be able to afford. Let me stop you right there. You can create the best memories on a dime and I am going to show you how right now!
So go cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I want to invite you to grab a Budget Audit and learn what is going on in your budget so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck and get back your wiggle room. Send an email to to book your call now.
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Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
105. Ready to Live Wealthy on a Budget? How Gratitude Can Get You There Fast.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Hey Mama,
If you live in the United States, this week is Thanksgiving. It’s all about being grateful for what we have and blessing God for those things. However, the world we live in is all about selfishness, about how you as an individual are going to make it out in the end. A heart posture based on selfishness will never generate abundance. Instead you need to walk away from the world and lean into gratitude, contentment, patience and love to be able to truly embrace a life of joy and wealth.
And that my friend is what this episode is all about. How a heart posture of gratitude can generate wealth and abundance both physically and emotionally, even when you are living on a budget.
So cuddle up with a nice warm drink, get comfy with them babies and open your heart to God as we settle into today’s episode.
Xo Molly
P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to and book your call today.
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Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Hey Mama!
A couple episodes ago I gave you a way to save some cash fast for Christmas. I gave you a no spend challenge and I got to thinking, if you are saving all of your extra cash for Christmas, (which if you want to learn more about that go check out episode 102) but if you are saving all of your extra cash, how are you supposed to host thanksgiving if you haven’t already saved for the holiday?
That my friend is what today is all about! I am going to share with you how I host thanksgiving using only my monthly grocery budget and nothing extra. So plug in your headphones, grab a pen and paper and let’s get to it.
Xo Molly
P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to and book your call today.
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102. Low on Christmas Money? Save Money Quickly Using the No Spend November Challenge.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Hey Mama,
Today we are going to be digging a little deeper into saving money. As a beginner the idea is simply to put money into your savings account each and every month. And while this is a great start it’s even more important to make sure each dollar has a job even in the savings account. That's why in this episode you are going to learn about sinking funds and how with their help you will always have the cash you need on hand!
Go plug in your headphones, grab a cup of tea and let’s dive in.
Xo Molly
P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to and book your call today.
Next Steps:
Book a FREE Clarity Call
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96. Is Your Money Spread Thin So You Never Actually Reach Your Goals? How to Budget Your Goals for Success.
97. Are You Spending Too Much Money? How to Know if Your Spending Money Is Keeping You From Reaching Your Goals.
100. Looking To Save and Pay Debt off Quickly? 3 Ways to Stay on Track With Your Savings and Debt Goals.